Fire destroys golf clubhouse down the road from Merion

By David Ownes, The Loop

January 5, 2016

This year is the centennial of Cobbs Creek Golf Club, a muny in western Philadelphia. It was named after its most diabolical hazard, which also runs along the eastern edge of Merion Golf Club, a few miles away. Merion and the Crick — as intimates often call the older of Cobbs Creek’s two courses — share an architect as well: Hugh Wilson, who designed Merion’s East Course in 1912 and created the Crick four years later.

I learned about the fire from Hank Church and Paul Cornely, who are members of Cobbs Creek’s principal men’s group, the Cobbs Creek Publinks Golf Club. “What I’ve heard is that it started around 11:00 last night and took more than two hours to control,” Cornely told me. “The cause isn’t known, but it looks like the fire started near the lunchroom/beer tap area.”

“It’s a sad day for many,” Church said. “That was my home-away-from-home for 50 years.”

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